Monday, May 19, 2014

Study Up

We still don't know exactly how long we'll be able to stay in Sweden.  (This is why the blog's still relatively secretive...shhhh!)  Some days it's 2 months.  Some days 3 or 6 months.  Some days the trip's not going to happen.  (I'm not particularly fond of those days.)  So it's still hard to move forward with any real plans for our trip, or non-trip, depending on the day.  But, as L. Frank Baum wrote in The Lost Princess of Oz (part of Scott and Roanin's current favorite series), "No thief, however skillful, can rob one of knowledge, and that is why knowledge is the best and safest treasure to acquire." 

In that spirit:

Step 25: Order Rosetta Stone Svenska and let the 6 year old boy in on the plan to have a family secret code. It's all about motivation. There aren't any used copies on eBay. Further confirmation that,'s just us.

Step 26: Supplement Rosetta Stone with a Swedish language text book. You're planning a total immersion crash course here. I did find a used copy of this one, but it arrived in perfect, unused condition, reconfirming...

Step 26: Put any and all Swedish language movies and TV series available on Netflix in your view list. (We'll finish watching Lillyhammer first. Norwegian is Swedish's kissing cousin.) Studying by being a couch potato. Yes!

Step 27: Order a handful of books on Sweden from the library. (All in pristine, uncirculated condition.) You were reading a book on English history (yes, here is your nerd pin), but these seem more timely at present.


  1. Didn't see Pippi Longstocking (Pippi Långstrump) on your list of books.

  2. I'll have to add it. There's a Pippi Longstocking cartoon on our PBS station, but Roanin's not a fan. Also, her red hair makes me jealous. :)

  3. Lol! Lady this blog is so awesome. I love it! And family secret code = brilliant. Lol at the uncirculated library copies.

    Also, ugh at the passport office stuff. Geez.

    Def get a tablet. Probably an iPad or something like it. We have a Kindle Fire and you can do apps with it and stuff but I'm sure the iPad or the Google pad whatever is better. I like it well enough, and it's certainly cheaper.

    1. We're eyeing an iPad Air. Our laptop's pretty ancient (as laptop's go) and it won't be traveling with us. We need something that will function as our primary computer.

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